About SME

SME’s Coalition for Change was named after a long-lived North Baton Rouge resident of Louisiana named Susie Mae Evans.  Susie and her husband, Sgt. Eugene Evans, who were natives of Mississippi, were stationed in many states and countries through her husband’s tours of duty with the United States Army but decided to make Baton Rouge their home.  Together, Susie and Eugene Evans had 12 children. While Sgt. Evans was away on duty for more than twenty years, Susie Evans was left to rear and raise 12 children and manage their home. Many would believe that with all the children that Susie Mae Evans birthed, that she would have no time for anything else, but this was contrary to her life and legacy.  Susie Mae Evans was heavily involved with her church and community, while also raising more than 10 foster care children in her home as her own.  Susie Mae had no bounds with her mission from God to always “let her light shine,” and show others his grace and goodness.  She believed in uplifting people when they were down by giving them hope, motivation, sound advice, along with tangibles such as food and clothing when they may need it.  It was her spirit of giving and her belief that change was possible for anyone with a little help that SME’s Coalition for Change's mission began.

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